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2024.8.25[HOME TOWN] SDGs

Report on the "July 2024 Heavy Rain Disaster Relief Fund" held at the Meiji Yasuda J1 League 28th Sec. Fukuoka match on Saturday, August 24th

On Saturday, August 24th, we held a "Donation for the July 2024 Heavy Rain Disaster" at the MEIJI YASUDA J1 LEAGUE 28th Sec. against Avispa Fukuoka.
We would like to thank all of you for your cooperation.
The amounts raised through the fundraising activities are as follows:

[Donation amount] 258,590 yen

We would like to thank Riku HANDA Handa and ZHANG Ao Lin Chang for their help with the fundraising efforts.

High-five with everyone who helped out

Donations collected from everyone will be collected as "July 2024 Heavy Rain Disaster Relief Funds" through the Central Community Chest of Japan, a social welfare corporation, and compiled by the Disaster Donation Collection and Distribution Committee, which is made up of the local governments of the affected areas, the prefectural Community Chest of Japan, and each branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society, and distributed to disaster victims through each city, town, and village based on the distribution criteria.

Thank you all for your warm support and cooperation.
We pray for a speedy recovery so that everyone in Akita and Yamagata prefectures can spend their days safely and in good health.